Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Thursday Links

Let me start with what is to me the most disturbing news of the day. Guess what the most popular baby name in England is. Oliver . . . nope . . . Thomas . . . nope . . . Jack . . . nope. How long would it take you to guess the right answer, Mohammed. Trust me, your country has reached the point of no return when the most popular baby name is Mohammed. Europe will be majority Muslim in my lifetime (barring a drastic and unforeseen demographic shift), and that is very, very sad. Read the story here.

Giuliani and McCain announced yesterday that they are skipping the Ames, Iowa straw poll, conceding the event to Romney. This is good news for Mitt. That said, Iowa has way too much power in the presidential selection process. Better them then a lot of others though. Read the story and read more about the Ames stray poll here.

Stem cells can now be made from adult skin. This should end the stem cell debate, but it won't. Read it here.

Newt Gingrich puts his odds of jumping in the presidential race at 4-to-1. I think Fred Thompson out-maneuvered him on this one. Read more here. Meanwhile, a more interesting question is whether Gore will run. I suspect he has the ego that won't let him say no.

Canadians are going to be asked to pay 12 cents more at the pump for gas to avert climate catastrophe. Let's hope we stay saner here. Plus, would a warm-up really be that bad for Canada?

Have a great Thursday and please share your comments.

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