Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday's News Highlights

We will start today out with a couple of light hearted stories.

The Chinese are having a surname shortage. Apparently, over 1 billion Chinese share only 100 surnames. Here is the amusing story of how the Chinese are attempting to create more last names.

In another amusing story, President Bush had his wrist watch stolen while glad handing the crowd during his recent stop in Albania. Read the story here.

It looks like Fred Thompson has almost caught Rudy Giuliani in the polls. Read about it here. Thompson hasn't had a chance to get roughed up yet, so I would suspect he will take a hit at some point. Regardless, the Thompson phenomona is for real.

Finally, read about the "graying" of Minnesota (and across the whole nation) suburbs. The backbone of any growing organization, be it a Church or a country, is always strongest when made up of young families. In a way, this is a really depressing story. Read it here and here.

Agree? Disagree? Post away!


Anonymous said...

At least chinsa number one name does not reflect the 'religion of peace'.

If I were a thief I would love to pickpocket GW. What a story to tell your grandkids when you are in the state pen.

Anonymous said...

Dearest NT,

I would love to here what you think about the findings of our military spending 7.5 million in 1994 (or at least it was proposed) on a bomb that caused the enemy to have gay sex instead of fighting.

What a brilliant idea.

Pure sarcasim on that one.


Anonymous said...


Send me the link to that story. I think it is brilliant. That is what you call "catching them with their pants down."

Anonymous said...


We did not acutally spend the money on it I found. That makes me happy.