Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Afternoon Edition

Here it comes.

Why don't you do ol' NT a favor and use the email function on the bottom of this post to send this to at least one friend. Thanks.

This is a longer piece from the New Yorker, but worth a read when you have time. Insight on the state of the GOP and examples of some of the infighting.

Someone infected with a strand of Super-TB entered the US on a transatlantic flight to NY. The CDC quickly quarantined the suspect, the first such quarantine since 1963. I applaud the quick action and guts to use a quarantine. This past year, I attended a seminar by a prominent researcher and physician who painted a doom and gloom picture of global epidemics. It is not it, but when. He convinced me. Be prepared. Read about the quarantine here.

Hilary new economic theme is "shared prosperity," noting that we are all in this together. In a recent speech she chastised Bush's "ownership society" calling it the "on your own society." Hey, that's pretty good Hilary. I like that, the "on your own society" has a nice ring to it. I might use it someday. Read it here.

Here is a link to Ben Smith's blog at Politico. He has a few posts about the Democratic candidates taking shots at each others health care plans. I will paraphrase, "your plan sucks because it does not cost as much as mine." The interesting post, however, can be found if you scroll down a little bit. It seems that Bill Clinton gave John Kerry the advice in 04' that he should break with Democratic orthodoxy and endorse local bans on gay marriage. Kerry, of course, did not. And thank goodness he did not, because I suspect this act would have put him over the top. If you need political advice, Clinton is a good one to ask.

Finally, read here about how Rudy Giuliani was confronted at a recent event by people calling him a 9/11 criminal. These conspiracy theorists have absolutely lost it. Seriously, they are nuts. I don't think I need to make the case against them, but I will if I have to.

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