Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday's Must Reads

Happy Sunday!

The Times of London is reporting that many former Bush supporters are defecting to the . . . surprise . . . the Obama Camp????? It seems they are attracted to his message of hope and attempt to unite a divided country. I can't see this making too large of an impact. Despite Obama's general likability, he is miles apart ideologically from Bush. I really am not sure how you could support one and then the other. Let's hope I am right. Read about it here.

Here is an article about Al Qaida's #2 mocking the Democrats vote to pull out of Iraq. This cowardly vote has done nothing to get us out of Iraq, and much to bolster the spirits of the enemy. Treason? These statements by Al Qaida are always worth reading at for the comic value if nothing else. Here is a sample quote. Hilarious.
"And lest Bush worry, I congratulate him on the success of his security plan, and I invite him on the occasion for a glass of juice, but in the cafeteria of the Iraqi parliament in the middle of the Green Zone," al-Zawahri said.
They crack me up.

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