Friday, May 11, 2007

Gas Prices, and more on Abortion

Enjoying the high gas prices? This guy is. Interesting logic. Makes some sense. What doesn't make sense is the Minnesota Legislature voting to raise the gas tax. Their appetite for raising taxes is insatiable.

Here are two articles on what choices pro-lifers have in this upcoming Presidential election. Read them here and here.

Finally, I am still working on getting a column up from the New Right's financial guru. Any topics that you would like him to address? If you have any questions you'd like him to tackle, from investing, to homebuying, etc., please leave a note in the comment section. Have a great Friday, and hopefully there will be more posts later today.


Anonymous said...

Gas is still cheaper here than most of the world.

Guiliani is out I believe. There is no way this guy could get the republican nomination. Seems like he has as many waves as Hillary.

Can the financial guru make the price of milk and gas go down. That would be nice.

Anonymous said...

McCain isn't waffling on the abortion issue. Also, a guy that was a resident of the "Hanoi Hilton" can be trusted with the nation's military defense more than candidates that have lived off the public dole all of their lives without any military service.

- Jarrod

Anonymous said...

Concerning gas prices...

It is the pure greed of the Oil companies, their stockholder, etc. and the idiocy of our liberal representatives (too 'green')that gas prices are so highly manipulated. I say let more refineries be built, but then what would the aforementioned groups of people use as an excuse.

As for the Minnesota attempt to add a five cent gas tax increase -
None would be needed if all the fools who voted for the 'Transportation / Mass Transit /LIGHT RAIL' apportionment in the Fall 2006 elections would have realizd the stupidity of such action. If that money was truly headed for roads, like it should be, than the whole state prospers, not just the one of the most non-critical routes in the Twin Cities, a subsidized ride to the Megamall.

- Jethro

Uncle Trick said...
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Uncle Trick said...

Blame gas price on the wacko environmentalists and the politicians who pander to them. If we didn't have to have a different blend of gas for every day of the week, and we could extract our domestic resources (i.e. ANWAR and coastal California), we wouldn't be singing the blues at the pump. Also, thank the environmentalists for the lack of reinery capacity. There hasn't been a new refinery built in 25 years.

And another thing, just wait until you see your electric bill in a few years. It is going to be mighty expensive to have all of those wind mills saving the world from global warming.

Uncle Trick

Anonymous said...

True, it's still cheaper here than the rest of the world...doesn't mean we have to be like the rest of the world. Also, look we are a lot bigger than most other countries. Vast open spaces require gas to move across.