Monday, May 7, 2007

Monday's Best

Start your week off right by reading up on these news stories.

In France, Conservative Nicolas Sarkozy beat out the Socialist candidate for the French presidency. Sarkozy has vowed that America can "rely on our friendship." I wouldn't hold your breath, but this is at least a little encouraging for Franco-American relations. Read about it here.

More environmental insanity. Perhaps I will start to calling this enviro-terrorism. In the latest great idea to help the environment, Prof. Guillebad of the University College of London says the that children are bad for the planet. Here is a breathtaking quote. He says, "The greatest thing anyone in Britain could do to help the future of the planet would be to have one less child." A startling statement considering the birthrate in the UK is currently at 1.7 children per woman. I wonder what .7 of a child would look like. Read his brilliance here. In a similar story, another enviro-nut is calling humans a virus and calling for the world population, currently over 6 billion, to fall to under 1 billion. His depraved view of humanity can be read here. I bet he is one of the billion that get to survive. Finally, the headlines out of San Antonio, where Al Gore recently spoke over the weekend are that Mr. Gore sees a "spiritual crisis" in global warming. Of all the places to find a spiritual crisis, Gore chooses this one. Here is a quote from Gore.
"It's a crisis of our own self-definition — who we are. Are we creatures destined to destroy our own species? Clearly not." Destined to destroy our own species? I guess he needs to talk to Prof. Guillebad and the fellow who wants one and six humans to vanish. Read about Gore's speech here. The pseudo-religious environmental movement has reached new heights of idiocy and hypocrisy. The New Right is calling for new voices to come and bring sanity to environmentalism, one that puts people first.

Coming tomorrow . . . "Uncle John." Check out volume no. 1 in the featured columnists section on the right.


Anonymous said...

I have an 'inconvenient truth' for Gore and all these crazies. There are way bigger problems in this world other than the earth warming up a degree or two (if you can even call that a problem).

Anonymous_Me said...

I can't make up my mind whether environmental extremists are creepier than they are funny or funnier than they are creepy.